How to Bring Your Defence Tech to Ukraine

Vitaliy Goncharuk
2 min readOct 8, 2023


As Ukraine navigates its current challenges(the war), I frequently receive inquiries on how to effectively promote defense and security initiatives within the country.

In response to this growing interest, I’ve put together this guide to help those with valuable technologies and solutions find the right channels in Ukraine.

So, Who should you get in touch with in Ukraine?

1. Government

Ukraine’s government is actively seeking innovative solutions in the defense sector. Two primary ministries are at the forefront of this endeavor:

a) Ministry of Defence
b) Ministry of Digital Transformation

Both have established efficient platforms to engage with startups and tech products:

a. Brave 1:

Operated under the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Brave 1 serves as both an accelerator and incubator. Its primary objective is to evaluate and promote technological products that can be integrated into various government agencies. Additionally, Brave 1 offers grants to expedite the development of technologies deemed critical for Ukraine.
- Website:

b. The Innovation Development Accelerator:

This program runs under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense. It is designed as a conduit for rapid deployment of innovations in the military.
- Website:

2. Non-profits

Given the significant role non-profit organizations play in Ukraine’s defense, and considering their flexibility, it’s pragmatic to engage them alongside government entities.

Here are some recommended non-profits and funds actively involved in defense:

a. Prytula Foundation —
b. Come Back Alive —
c. Ukraine Defense Fund —

However, a word of caution:

Ensure due diligence before collaborating.

Some other initiatives, though rare, could be scams or even funded by russians .

It’s important to verify the authenticity of any organization or individual before making a commitment.

Thank you for your help to Ukraine !!!

Best regards,
Vitaliy Goncharuk




Vitaliy Goncharuk

1 exit. Serial Entrepreneur. ex-Qualcomm. Angel Investor.